Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Back-to-School GIVEAWAY of the Quietest Classroom Sharpener

About a week or so ago I did a review for The Quietest Classroom Sharpener from Classroom Friendly Supplies & now this week I'm hosting a GIVEAWAY!!!! Wahoo!!! Check out my review here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This really is the best classroom sharpener, enter for your chance to win one for your own classroom. Good luck!!!


  1. Thank you for this giveaway!! I so want one but I just bought an electric sharpener last year so I can't justify buying a new one. Unless it mysteriously falls out the window and breaks into a million pieces..hmmm...

  2. Fingers Crossed! I'm seriously thinking about buying one of these with all the rave reviews out there...but I'll wait and hopefully win one. Teaching with Giggles

  3. thanks for the opportunity, now to look at all your pins. :)

  4. I REALLY want one of these! I hope to win! Thanks!!!!!

  5. Thanks for hosting this giveaway. I would love to have one after reading your review!

  6. Thanks for hosting this fantastic giveaway. Now I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    A Teacher's Idea

  7. I have seen this sharpener on a lot of blogs. I don't have a mounted one and the electric one I have is on it's last leg! Thanks for the opportunity!

  8. Everyone is so welcome. I'm so excited to host this giveaway. I love being able to giveaway stuff to fellow bloggers & this sharpener is truly amazing. Good luck to everyone who has entered so far & who may enter in the future.


  9. I do not have a pencil sharpener and know i need to purchase one this year. This would be great.

  10. Thanks for the giveaway! I need a new sharpener!

  11. I have wanted one of these sharpeners for so long but it's hard to justify the cost, and I can guarantee my school would no pay this much for a sharpener. Now, if I was able to win your giveaway... I AND my students would be happy campers. We have no pencil sharpener in our room right now. We have to use handheld sharpeners.


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