Saturday, June 27, 2015

3-2-1 Teacher Bio {Weekend Warrior}

I'm so behind on my Bloglovin feed that I didn't even know about this linky. Good thing I was scrolling through Instagram. I love getting to know other bloggers, so I'm linking up with Primarily Speaking for her Weekend Warrior linky and this month's theme is 3-2-1 Teacher Bio.

So here we go....

My classroom library is my pride & joy. I've collected quite a collection of books since I was in college. Yard sales, library sales, & Scholastic book clubs are my best friend. By the end of the year I had a little guy, who started the year as a reluctant reader, devouring my classroom collection of Magic Treehouse books. He had improved his reading level throughout the year and found a series that interested him, I couldn't have been more happy.

Math never came easy for me growing up. Then once I started teaching math, it of course was easier for me to understand, and now it's my favorite thing to teach, even though I love to read. Maybe it's because I struggled so much that I understand what my student's are going through when they don't understand, and I'm researching ways to help them understand.

I'm very relaxed when it comes to where my kiddos sit to do their work. There is the library with a couple of chairs in it & clipboards for them to lean on, a carpet to lay on, and there are 4 of those little black IKEA tables with the fuzzy pillows under them from WalMart for students to sit at. Some of my kiddos even loved to stand at these pre-school cubbies. (My room last year used to be a pre-school room and the cubbies where left behind.) As long as they are working and doing so quietly, then they may sit where they are comfortable.

At the beginning of the fall I really got into the show The Affair on Showtime, and I really wished it was based on a book so I could read the book and find out what happened. My dad use to ask me all the time when I was a kid, with my nose in a book, if reading was like watching a movie for him. Yup!!! A book usually holds my interest better then t.v. or a movie.

Ever since we bought our house last May, I've had to reign my shopping addiction in. :( Now I mostly grocery shop :( which I hate or shopping for my son, which I love. In the summer I shop for my classroom, but most of the year now shopping for this homeowner.

I always want to be the best teach I can possible be and continue to push myself and I've always thought pursuing this certification would really push me to be the best and to constantly reflect on my practice.

Well now that you know you a little bit more about me, I can't wait to read me about all the fantastic bloggers out there.


  1. Your classroom library and reading space are amazing! I love that it can accommodate several readers at once. I bet your students love to use it! I also love that you let your students sit wherever they want when they complete their work. I'm a shopper! And, I agree, grocery shopping is not the kind of shopping that I prefer to do. Haha! Thank you so much for linking up with me and fellow Weekend Warriors!

    Primarily Speaking

  2. Hi Stephanie! Congratulations on your new home! Shopping is the BEST - so comforting and fun - the perfect pick-me-up!

  3. Congratulations on owning your first home! It's hard not to spend money when there are so many things you want to get to make your house a home. I love teaching math too. It's one of my favorite things to teach. Thanks for linking up with Weekend Warriors and sharing a bit about you. -Jaime
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  4. You have a beautiful classroom! I love that you give your students choice on where they want to work. Congrats on the house! Thanks for linking up with us today.
    Always Kindergarten

  5. Your library looks and sounds amazing! Your kids must love it! Thanks for linking up with us! :)

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

  6. How fun you bought a house - you can always shop for new pillows and knick-knacks for the house! I love to read, too! I plan to spend as much of my summer as I can reading!

    ☘ Molly
    Lucky to Be in First

  7. I too am super proud of my classroom library! The teachers in my school come to my room when they can't find a book! I love to share my love of reading with my kinders and get them interested in reading too! I was never good at math in school either, I kept transposing my numbers and getting the wrong answer. However, I really enjoy teaching math to my kinders and helping them solve problems using different manipulatives! I love to read too, and at times get so sad when a book is finished because the story is over! I hope you are able to fulfill your dreams of becoming a National Board Certified Teacher, that's a big job!
    Thank you so much for sharing so much about yourself, it was great getting to know more about you! I hope you have a wonderful week!

    Warmest Wishes,
    Kindergarten Dragons

  8. A new house, how fun!! I felt the exact same way when I bought my home and realized my shopping habits had to change dramatically!!! LOL! Your classroom library reminds me so much of mine. Isn't it amazing how much pride and joy we take in having one!?!? It was great getting to know you Stephanie and we hope you join us next month for another Weekend Warriors link up!

    Mrs. DiBenedetto's First Grade Critter Cafe


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